Dr. Schore’s recent book, Right Brain Psychotherapy is now available.
“In this meticulously researched and lovingly crafted masterpiece, the trailblazing, internationally renowned neuroscientist-clinician Allan Schore, Ph.D., evolves his interpersonal neurobiological paradigm of Right Brain Psychotherapy to the next level of nuanced refinement…. You would not be in your ‘right mind’ were you to pass up this opportunity to evolve to your own next level by immersing yourself in the magic of Schore’s seamless integration of left-brain neuroscientific theory and right-brain clinical practice.”
— Martha Stark, MD, Faculty, Harvard Medical School
“Allan Schore is one of the leading figures in the brain-based understanding of psychotherapy today. This book is an outstanding work on the topic of the importance of the right hemisphere in attachment, in trauma, and in the establishment of the emotionally mature human individual, by its greatest theoretician. It is both humane and scientific, of practical import, and intellectually stimulating.”
— Iain McGilchrist, MA (Oxon), MB, FRCPsych, FRSA; Author of The Master and His Emissary